Sustainability is at the forefront of modern agriculture. Sustainable agriculture practices seek to produce food, fibers, building materials, and medicines without compromising the environment. Conventional farming techniques impact the environment destructively, as through such activities as excess tilling, which can erode and destroy viable agricultural land. What are sustainable farming practices? Aspects of sustainability include social responsibility, the economic security of the …
Green Your Restaurant Business with These 6 Easy Eco-Friendly Steps
Food and the environment are intrinsically linked. As a restaurant business owner, this puts you on the front line. As environmental stewardship has jumped to the forefront of politics and societal trends, there has been an increase in vegan restaurants, gluten-free alternatives, organic eateries, zero-waste coffee shops, and local-grown markets. As the food industry aligns with more ecologically sound practices, …
Five Simple Ways Everyone Can Work Towards a Zero Waste Lifestyle
Imagine a world where each of us creates only a jar full of garbage each year. It might sound like a farfetched ecological dream, but believe it or not, it is possible now. Living a “zero waste” lifestyle is an idea that’s becoming more and more mainstream, and while some see it simply as a buzzword, there are compelling reasons …
Great Ways to Keep Your Old Tires Out of the Landfill
If you are tired of driving around on bald tires, the local automotive shop should be your next stop. But before you arrive, you will need to decide what to do with your old and worn out tires. You could let the tire store dispose of them, but you will pay a fee for that service. Worse yet, your old …